Past students cast in HEATHERS

Four of our past students have been cast in a brand new production of HEATHERS: THE MUSICAL that will premiere in Brisbane in April 2022.
Erika Naddei will play the role of Veronica Sawyer and Jamie O'Donoghue will cover the role. Chelsea Sales and Marguerite Du Plessis will play Heather Chandler and Heather McNamara respectively.
For Chelsea and Marguerite, this will be their second time tackling HEATHERS, after appearing in BAMT's production in 2019 at the Hayward Street Theatre.
It's Erika's second time playing the role of Veronica after she brought the house down in Phoenix Ensemble's production in 2017!
Congratulations to all four of our past students - we can't wait to see you shine!
This new production of HEATHERS is being produced by Millennial Productions and will be staged at the Ron Hurley Theatre in April. For more information, visit